During the premier gathering for the global hydrogen community in the Americas region at the #H2Americas2023 Summit & Exhibition, we spoke to global and regional #hydrogen and #energy leaders about the future outlook for the hydrogen industry, including an interview with Richard Voorberg, President, North America for Siemens Energy.

“Well this is my second year here so I’ve been here for two years now and last year was just an amazing time to have so many people interested in hydrogen, and I wanted to come back to see what everybody else has experienced over the last year. We’ve experienced an awful lot at Siemens Energy and I wanted to see if everybody else was having that positive experience as well.

Well first of all the differences we have between the two years are first of all location, this is a much more beautiful place I’ll start with the right location, I think the other thing that we see though seriously, as we see the market, we see people much more mature in the industry, so I’ve seen a lot more people having deeper discussions. Last year was a lot more theoretical, this year seems to be much more practical, and it looks like we’re getting very close to getting things going now.

At Siemens Energy we got a lot to share you, my most important thing that I always want to tell people is we’re front to back when it comes to the energy industry, we do everything from traditional power to new power, and new power is hydrogen. I want to share with the projects that we’ve signed up and the projects that we’ve got very close to coming to success, and I see a future in these projects and I see as we sign these projects we’re going to be able to take it to the next level and work for a green economy.

So we’ve got a lot of great opportunities at Siemens Energy and in this next year what I really want to do is I want to drive these to conclusion, to sign contracts, to start moving them and start putting shovels in the ground to make not just this a theoretical exercise, but to make it a practical exercise, and start producing some green hydrogen out there in the world.

Oh there’s a lot of interesting things I’ve heard today, I think the first one I heard was Secretary Granholm said “not today guys, no announcements today” so that was a bit of a disappointment. I think also just to hear the different arguments and the discussions around blue hydrogen and green hydrogen, and hearing people have a really good dialogue about what kind of incentives should there be for the blue hydrogen, should they just be for the green hydrogen, or is there a compromise between the two.

I’d like to say these are the great opportunities and we often say Siemens Energy, we can’t do it alone and I think conferences like this are examples of we can’t do it alone. We need each other, we need the developers, we need other equipment manufacturers like us, and we need the press, we need the academia, we need all of us working together if we want to make this industry a success and it’s conferences like that that bring us together to make it a success.”

Join us at #H2Americas2024

Co-hosted by the U.S. Department of Energy, join global and regional #hydrogen and #energy leaders at #H2Americas2024 Summit & Exhibition taking place 11-12 June 2024 in Washington D.C. The event welcomes 4000 industry professionals, 200+ Speakers, 100+ Exhibitors and 40+ sponsors to share the latest news, establish key connections and sign business deals to accelerate the deployment of the hydrogen economy. Register your place among hydrogen pioneers.

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