During America’s leading hydrogen event #H2Americas2024 Summit & Exhibition, we spoke to global and regional #hydrogen and #energy leaders about the future outlook for the hydrogen industry, including an interview with Jeff Marootian, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, U.S. Department of Energy (DOE).

“I’m Jeff Marootian I’m the Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy at the United States Department of Energy.

It’s great to be back here at the Hydrogen Americas Summit and my focus this year is really highlighting the success that we’ve had internationally through collaboration and partnership.

It’s important for us to come together to talk about the work that we’re doing across all fronts from R&D, to deployment to, to the ways that we are strengthening the work force, and to share best practices, to learn from each other and to continue to grow new opportunities. And as I shared on stage, every year we’re learning about the successes of previous announcements and also making new announcements and commitments together that I think will help only further the work that we are doing globally on hydrogen.

We know that this work will require not just one country but all countries to work together and that’s why it’s important that we come together here at Hydrogen Americas but also as you mentioned take the work across the globe too and we in the United States have partnerships with many countries and are looking to further them, and to work together to explore new opportunities.

This is always a great event and I’m so appreciative for the Sustainable Energy Council and for all the folks who have helped make this event a success year after year. It’s such an important opportunity for us to celebrate the achievements that we’ve had but also to continue to look forward on opportunities to build new partnerships and to develop further strategies to advance clean hydrogen. So this is a fun event, I always leave here learning something and I know that folks who participate year after year agree with that.”

Join us at #H2Americas2025

We’re returning to Washington D.C. to once again provide global and regional #hydrogen and #energy leaders the opportunity to meet the entire hydrogen ecosystem at #H2Americas2025 Summit & Exhibition taking place on 3-4 September 2025. Don’t miss the opportunity to witness the latest products and solutions, learn the latest news, policies and updates, establish key connections and sign business deals to accelerate the deployment of the hydrogen economy. Register your place among hydrogen pioneers.

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