During America’s leading hydrogen event #H2Americas2024 Summit & Exhibition, we spoke to global and regional #hydrogen and #energy leaders about the future outlook for the hydrogen industry, including an interview with Todd Anderson, Chief Technology Officer, Phinia.

“I am Todd Anderson the Chief Technology Officer of Phinia inc.

Phinia is a global tier 1 automotive supplier for fuel systems and electrical systems. We’re working on driving efficiencies in our technology and systems today while advancing toward a carbon neutral future.

We really appreciate the opportunity to be connected with the overall hydrogen infrastructure, both policy makers, hydrogen producers, as a use case in the transport mobility sector. We have a technology that’s ready to go using hydrogen to help us with our decarbonization goals. Somehow we need to make green hydrogen in enough quantities and distribute it to their points of use for it to be effective. So this is about cooperation, collaboration and an entire supply chain to help us move toward carbon neutrality.

I’m making connections and as we interact with many of our industry partners, this will help us as we move forward with our customers, global OEM automakers and truck makers to be able to be connected in the overall hydrogen infrastructure.”

Join us at #H2Americas2025

We’re returning to Washington D.C. to once again provide global and regional #hydrogen and #energy leaders the opportunity to meet the entire hydrogen ecosystem at #H2Americas2025 Summit & Exhibition taking place on 3-4 September 2025. Don’t miss the opportunity to witness the latest products and solutions, learn the latest news, policies and updates, establish key connections and sign business deals to accelerate the deployment of the hydrogen economy. Register your place among hydrogen pioneers.

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