During the sell-out Summit of the 2022 Hydrogen Americas Summit, we spoke to global and regional #hydrogen and #energy leaders about the future outlook for the hydrogen industry. Including an interview with Sean Strawbridge, Former CEO of Port of Corpus Christi.

What role does Texas play in the hydrogen market? 

Texas has been an energy state for decades, not just an oil state, natural gas state. It’s also the largest producer of renewable energy in the United States. So when we talk about the natural evolution of the energy markets and certainly the hydrogen markets and the hydrogen economy, Texas is going to play a front and center pivotal role in that transition in that evolution. 

What is needed to accelerate the hydrogen transition? 

Well in order to accelerate this transition and create a robust sustainable hydrogen economy, we’re going to need Governments, not just the American Government but certainly Governments from our allies to make investments in infrastructure and have great tax policy that really stimulates the private investment. Ultimately, these are going to have to be investments that create a sustainable long term market, and the investment community is not going to make those investments if they don’t have the confidence and support of good public policy. So that’s why it’s imperative that the United States and our allies create robust public policy that will disperse some of that risk and certainly bring certainty to the markets. That’s what markets want is certainty.  

Why is this summit important? 

A conference like this is a great opportunity for members of Government, Industry, Academia to all come together, sharing ideas, have an exchange of information, see some old friends, make some new friends, and ultimately identify some of the best pathways to move the economy forward sustainably. We’re very excited about where we are today as a relevant gateway for U.S. energy exports, but we want that relevance to continue tomorrow and into the future and that’s where we see hydrogen in its derivative forms as really being the next leg up in our evolution.  


Join them at global and regional #hydrogen and #energy leaders at #H2Americas2023 Summit & Exhibition taking place 2-3 October 2023 in Washington D.C. Produced by the Sustainable Energy Council and Co-Hosted by the U.S. Department of Energy, the event welcomes 3000 industry professionals, 170+ Speakers, 60 Exhibitors and 35+ sponsors to share the latest news, establish key connections and sign business deals to accelerate the deployment of the hydrogen economy. Visit our website for more information & to register your place among hydrogen pioneers: https://www.hydrogen-americas-summit.com/

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