Watch the video highlights below with takeaways from senior thought leaders of the sell-out Summit and exhibition for #H2Americas2023.

Co-hosted by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), the Hydrogen Americas 2023 Summit & Exhibition returned to Washington D.C. on the 2-3 October. This year marked the launch of the exhibition, along with our H2 Tech Conference, and to date industry feedback has been unparalleled.

During 2 busy days in the Ronald Reagan International Trade Center, participants joined insightful panel discussions as well as high-level meetings drilling down on key priorities the industry needs to scale up in the year ahead. Projects, policies & partnerships to develop clean hydrogen demonstrated it was not just a motto, but a clear description of what took place over the 2 days, with exciting announcements from across the sector.

We look forward to welcoming you again in 2024 for #H2Americas2024 Summit & Exhibition on 11-12 June, returning to Ronald Reagan International Trade Center in Washington D.C.

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