Robert T. Do., M.S., M.D. - Chief Executive Officer - SGH2 Energy Global Corporation

Robert T. Do., M.S., M.D.

Chief Executive Officer
SGH2 Energy Global Corporation

Dr. Do is the author and inventor of SGH2 Hydrogen Production technology. With graduate degrees in BioPhysics and Medicine from Georgetown University, as well as Executive MBA Program at Harvard University Business School, Dr. Do has over 25 years of experience and expertise as an Entrepreneur, Scientist, and Executive. Dr. Do is responsible for the overall strategy, technology offering and management of SGH2 Energy. As CEO and Expert in hydrogen production technology, Dr. Do has led the growth of SGH2 Energy globally rolling out SGH2 production facilities from California to Europe, Australia, Latin America, Asia to South Africa. With experience in project development in both public health, resources and waste management, renewable energy production including green power as well sustainable aviation fuels production, Dr. Do has successfully created Public Private Partnership with municipalities, strategic partnerships, and Hydrogen contracts with the largest energy companies in the world. Green Hydrogen will be responsible for 1/4 the of the world energy and will be the key green energy molecule to help decarbonize and achieve Net Zero emissions by 2050m which is essential to keep global temperature rise below 2 C.

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