Ricardo José Ferracin - Director Department of Hydrogen Research - FTPI/ITAIPU

Ricardo José Ferracin

Director Department of Hydrogen Research


MBA – Project and Team Management – PUC-PR – Curitiba – PR – 1998/1999;

Doctor of Science – UFSCar – São Carlos, SP – 1992/1996;

Master of Chemistry   –  UFSCar – São Carlos, SP- 1990/1992 and

Bachelor of Chemistry – UFSCar – São Carlos, SP- 1986/1989.

PROFESSIONAL PROFILE: Currently:  Coordinator of Nucleus for Hydrogen Research, Itaipu Technological Park Foundation, Foz do Iguaçu  – PR (since 2011);  Professor at the Unioeste (State Universty Western Paraná), Foz do Iguaçu – PR (since 2012)  and  Professor at the Master Degree Program in Bioenergy from Federal University of Paraná  (UFPR), Curitiba – PR (since 2013); Previously: Research and Development Manager – Institute
of technology for development – LACTEC, Curitiba, PR (1999-2011); Professor at the Professional Master Degree Program on the Development of Technologies, 2005-2011 – LACTEC/IEP, Curitiba, PR and Laboratory

Manager at Philip Morris do Brasil, 11/1997 – 06/1999, Curitiba, PR.

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