Mark Fasel - Director of PMG Technical Resources - International Code Council (ICC)

Mark Fasel

Director of PMG Technical Resources
International Code Council (ICC)

Panelist at:

  • SPOTLIGHT: Hydrogen Safety: Enabling Success Through Effective Mindset Management

Mark Fasel is a Director of PMG Technical Resources for the International Code Council, where he serves as a subject matter expert to the plumbing, mechanical, fuel gas, swimming pool and spa, and private waste sewage disposal code disciplines. Fasel also serves as a 4th year plumbing apprentice instructor at Mechanical Skills trade school in Indianapolis, Indiana.

In his role at ICC, he serves on multiple federal and state coalitions, task forces, committees, and councils where expertise in I-Code subject matter is required. This includes serving as Technical Committee member for multiple CSA, ASTM, and NFPA standards referenced by the International Codes.

With more than 28 years of experience in government, manufacturing, and construction industry he has served as the Senior manager of government affairs and codes and standards for Viega LLC plumbing and heating system manufacturer. Fasel also served as Building Commissioner for the City of Fishers, Indiana, and Building Official for the City of Indianapolis.

Mark is a Past President for the Indiana Association of Building Officials, and is an ICC certified commercial and residential building inspector, plans examiner, mechanical, plumbing, fuel gas, and electrical inspector and holds a degree in Science from Vincennes, University.

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