María José Gonzalez - H2U Program Coordinator and Advisor - Ministry of Industry Energy and Mining, Government of the Republic of Uruguay

María José Gonzalez

H2U Program Coordinator and Advisor
Ministry of Industry Energy and Mining, Government of the Republic of Uruguay

María José González leads the Green Hydrogen Program for Uruguay’s Ministry of Industry, Energy and Mining. Prior to this role, she led an inter-ministerial project, Biovalor, working at the junction of waste, energy, and climate change sectors. As a United Nations consultant, she coordinated this program, together with Uruguay’s government, implementing several pilot clean technology solutions for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and larger companies.

Later, she was the director of an NGO involved in a recycling initiative with top international companies as partners. María José works as an independent consultant, teacher, and member of the technical evaluation committee for several research and innovation organizations.

She attended college at the University of the Republic, earning her undergraduate degree in Civil Hydraulic Engineering and her Master’s in Environmental Engineering. She is part of the first cohort of the Emerging Climate Leader Fellowship at Yale Jackson School of Global Affairs at Yale University.

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