Laura Parkan - Vice President, Hydrogen Energy Americas - Air Liquide

Laura Parkan

Vice President, Hydrogen Energy Americas
Air Liquide

Laura Parkan is Vice President of Air Liquide Hydrogen Energy Americas. With 30 years of experience in project management, strategic planning, engineering, and business development, Laura played a significant role in achieving business and strategic objectives to increase Air Liquide’s profitability and presence in the energy market.

As the Vice President of Hydrogen Energy Americas, Laura builds on Air Liquide’s 60 years of leadership in the hydrogen market to advance the development and deployment of low-carbon solutions across the entire hydrogen value chain, from production and distribution, to end-user applications. Laura guides the hydrogen energy strategy throughout the Americas ensuring contribution to the Group’s goals of tripling hydrogen sales and investing nearly $10 billion in low-carbon hydrogen by 2035. These goals are part of Air Liquide’s ultimate ambition of reaching carbon neutrality by 2050.


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