Johannes Wieczorek - Deputy Director-General, Climate Change Mitigation in Mobility, Environmental Protection - German Federal Ministry of  Digital and Transport

Johannes Wieczorek

Deputy Director-General, Climate Change Mitigation in Mobility, Environmental Protection
German Federal Ministry of Digital and Transport

Johannes Wieczorek is Deputy Director-General of the policy department in the German Federal Ministry of  Digital and Transport. He heads the directorate “Climate Change Mitigation in the Mobility Sector, Environmental Protection”. Prior to that he was employed in various positions in the ministry, such as Director for Policy Issues and Strategies for Passenger and Freight Transport, Head of the Berlin-Brandenburg Airport Task Force, Head of Division for Freight Transport and Logistics and European Cooperation Officer. From 2002 to 2006 he was employed by the German Federal Foreign Office as Head of the Transport Division at the German Embassy in Washington D.C.

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