Jan Klawitter - Head of International Policy - Anglo American

Jan Klawitter

Head of International Policy
Anglo American

Jan Klawitter (47) is Anglo American plc’s Head of International Policy, with regional responsibility for Corporate Affairs Asia and Europe as well as overseeing all its hydrogen related activities among others. He joined the Corporate Affairs team in 2012 during which time he has been leading on corporate engagement with multilateral processes and international organisations around specific issues such as business and human rights, post 2015 development agenda/SDGs, circular economy, decarbonisation, ethical value chains of critical minerals etc.

Prior to that, Jan was a World Economic Forum (WEF) Global Leadership Fellow (GLF) and headed up WEF’s Mining Industry Group. Before WEF, he advised the Chinese Ministry of Land & Resources working alongside the former Canadian Ambassador to China and worked for a large FMCG company in Brand Management in China and HK since 2003.

He has been a member of the Hydrogen Council’s Management Committee since its inception and been supporting the Council’s activities in various Projects Teams as well as Treasurer over the years.

Jan received his degrees in Business and in International Relations from universities in Germany, Spain and China and a Master in Global Leadership as part of the GLF program.

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