H.E. Omar Paganini - Minister of Industry, Energy and Mining - Government of Uruguay

H.E. Omar Paganini

Minister of Industry, Energy and Mining
Government of Uruguay

Electrical Engineer at the University of the Republic of Uruguay.
Master degree in Business Management at the Catholic University of Uruguay.
Entrepreneurship of the Universities of Stanford and Berkeley.
Negotiation Global Program (PON) of Harvard University.
Appointed as Minister of Industry, Energy and Mining in March 2020.
Held important positions at the Catholic University of Uruguay such as Director of
Business School, Dean of the Engineering Faculty, Vice rector of Economic
Management and Development.
Adviser at the Consultancy Agency ITC S.A between 2001 and 2003.
In 1995 performed as Director in Paylana Factory, developed a textile technology
In 1990 founded, a service company specialized in engineering and automation for the

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