Dr. Martin Hering currently holds a position as a Senior Business Development Manager for Hydrogen Technologies at Bosch North America supporting the market introduction of PEM electrolysis stack technology. Martin has an extensive interdisciplinary global background in the field of stationary fuel cells and electrolysis. His expertise covers system design, deployment, controls, testing and simulations, as well as business field analysis, business development, business model innovation and techno-economic evaluations. Martin holds a PhD in Engineering in Energy systems technology from the Clausthal University of Technology in Germany. In 2015, Martin joined the Corporate Research of Robert Bosch and worked on the pre-commercial development of small-scale fuel cell solutions. From 2020 to 2023, he was responsible for the Business Development and regional strategy of stationary fuel cell systems for Bosch in North America.

Social Media: https://www.linkedin.com/in/martin-hering-b068ba192/

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