Christopher Cannon - Director of Environmental Management & Chief Sustainability Officer - Port of Los Angeles

Christopher Cannon

Director of Environmental Management & Chief Sustainability Officer
Port of Los Angeles

Christopher Cannon is the Director of Environmental Management for the Port of Los Angeles, a position he has held since October 2010. In 2015, he was named Chief Sustainability Officer of the Port.


In this role, Mr Cannon is responsible for balancing commerce and growth with ecological sustainability and social responsibility at the nation’s busiest container port. The Environmental Management Division provides full environmental services related to water, soils and sediments, air and biological resources, and is responsible for preparation of environmental impact assessments mandated by state and federal law; special studies involving dredging, noise abatement, water quality and air quality; site restoration, remediation and contamination characterizations; wildlife management; and establishment of policies regarding environmental quality issues.


Mr Cannon first worked at the Port of Los Angeles as a consultant, starting in 2004, where he worked with the Port Environmental Management Division’s Air Quality and CEQA groups, supporting the development of key air projects such as the Clean Air Action Plan as well as the Harbor Department’s efforts to complete critical environmental impact reports for Port-related projects. In 2008, he helped to develop and served as the Project Manager of the Port’s highly successful Clean Truck Program.

Mr Cannon has 21 years of experience in the environmental services industry, working on a range of projects while employed by ENVIRON International Corporation and TRC Environmental Solutions.

Mr Cannon also spent two years as a legislative assistant for environmental policy on the Washington, D.C. staff of U.S. Representative Martin Sabo of Minnesota. Cannon received a bachelor’s degree in Government from Dartmouth College and a law degree from the University of California at Berkeley’s Boalt Hall School of Law. He currently lives in Los Angeles.

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