Betony Jones - Labor Advisor to Secretary of Energy, Director, Office of Energy Jobs - US Department of Energy

Betony Jones

Labor Advisor to Secretary of Energy, Director, Office of Energy Jobs
US Department of Energy

Moderator at:

  • SPOTLIGHT: Developing Future Hydrogen Leaders: Paving the Way for the Next Generation

Betony Jones serves as Labor Advisor to the Secretary of Energy and Director of the Office of Energy Jobs. In this role, she shapes U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) policy to prioritize job creation and economic equity within the clean energy sector. Jones’ career began in the Clinton White House, where she tackled climate science policy. Following this, she spent 20 years developing and implementing strategies to maximize employment and economic benefits from climate action. As Associate Director of the Green Economy program at the University of California Labor Center and Founder and CEO of Inclusive Economics, she built a national reputation as a leader in labor-climate issues. Her research and insights have been shared through dozens of publications and reports.

Prior to her current role Jones was a Senior Advisor on Workforce for DOE’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy. Now, Jones oversees department-wide workforce development initiatives and fosters collaboration with labor stakeholders to ensure DOE programs deliver on their promise of high-quality jobs and inclusive economic growth. Her proven track record and deep understanding of the intersection between labor, clean energy, and economic opportunity make her a key figure in advancing the Biden-Harris Administration’s ambitious climate agenda.

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