Andrew Light - Assistant Secretary, Office of International Affairs - U.S. Department of Energy

Andrew Light

Assistant Secretary, Office of International Affairs
U.S. Department of Energy

Andrew Light, Ph.D., is Assistant Secretary of Energy for International Affairs. He started at the Department of Energy on January 20, 2021, leading the Office of International Affairs as Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary before his nomination by President Biden as Assistant Secretary on April 28, and confirmation by the U.S. Senate on August 11, 2021.  Since starting at DOE, Andrew has led the department in initiating and expanding some three dozen bilateral energy dialogues, forums, councils, and partnerships with countries from all regions of the world.  His primary focus in these forums has been to increase their work on clean energy and energy security – whether renewables, nuclear, abated fossil fuels, or new technologies such as hydrogen — in response to the threat of climate change, and to grow good-paying American energy jobs in the burgeoning global clean energy market.

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