The event featured several robust presentations and has grown exponentially from last year.
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Good venue, great crowd of attendees and exhibition, and excellent networking event. Look forward to next year’s summit &...
Excellent and well-organized event, with many opportunities to interact with people and learn about new technologies of decarbonization.
Exciting to hear the commitment from both public and private sectors to moving forward with a Hydrogen economy.
Very informative with excellent, thought-provoking presenters. Great for networking as well.
A great event combining regulator and market insights.
Excellent – well organized and informative.
Interesting set of exhibitors and venue. Met several good contacts in the industry and have sent feedback to my...
Our exhibit was well received. We enjoyed multiple meaningful conversations with a wide variety of attendees!
Fantastic event and good diverse group of panelists on each major session. I also enjoyed the tech series. Best...