Dr. Tianyi Sun - Climate Scientist - Environmental Defense Fund

Dr. Tianyi Sun

Climate Scientist
Environmental Defense Fund

Dr. Tianyi Sun is a Climate Scientist at Environmental Defense Fund. Tianyi holds a Ph.D. in Climate Dynamics from the University of Texas at Austin and did her undergraduate studies in Atmospheric Sciences at Nanjing University, China. Her work at EDF focuses on the impacts of short-lived climate pollutants. She explores how methane emissions and their mitigation affect Arctic sea ice, ocean warming, and sea level rise, as well as the role of short-lived greenhouse gases in net zero emissions pathways. She also leads EDF’s hydrogen science work on leakage measurements and their climate implications. Tianyi supports the climate science communication efforts at EDF, including co-authoring and contributing to more than a dozen journal articles, memos, reports, factsheets and blog posts, and translating the latest scientific research to comprehensible and actionable insights.


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