[pt_section element_name=”Section” html_dom_id=”” width=”boxed” visibility=”visible” bg_color=”” bg_image=”” padding=”,,,” margin=”,,,” extra_class=”bgcolor6″][pt_row element_name=”Row”][pt_column width=”3/12″][pt_cwc_gap element_name=”Gap” height=”20″ extra_class=””][/pt_cwc_gap][pt_cwc_image element_name=”Image” image=”435″ link=”” large_image_popup=”0″ target=”_self” title=”” desc=”” align=”center” maxwidth=”100%” whitespace=”0″ extra_class=””][/pt_cwc_image][/pt_column][pt_column width=”9/12″][pt_text element_name=”Text” extra_class=””] LATAM has a huge potential to become one of the world’s hydrogen powerhouses. With vast renewable resources in the region, such as wind, water, solar and others, LATAM is positioning to become a major green hydrogen exporter, supplying global markets with the required green energy and meeting North America’s energy demand and energy security. According to the IEA, Latin America has a central place in the future hydrogen economy, thanks to the sustained development of hydropower in the 20th century, renewables make up 55% of Latin America’s power generation, much higher than the global average of 35% (1). (1) Berkenwald, M. and M Bermudez, J., 2021. Latin America’s hydrogen opportunity: from national strategies to regional cooperation – Analysis – IEA. [online] IEA. Available at: <https://www.iea.org/commentaries/latin-america-s-hydrogen-opportunity-from-national-strategies-to-regional-cooperation> [Accessed 1 March 2021]. [/pt_text][/pt_column][/pt_row][/pt_section][pt_section element_name=”Automatic first Section – Delete if not needed” width=”boxed” bg_color=”” bg_image=”” padding=”,,,” margin=”,,,” extra_class=”bgcolor7″ html_dom_id=”” visibility=”visible”][pt_row element_name=”Row”][pt_column width=”1/3″][pt_hero_image element_name=”Hero Image” image=”358″ extra_class=””][/pt_hero_image][/pt_column][pt_column width=”2/3″][pt_heading element_name=”H2: Pinpoint the Brightest Hydrogen Developments in the Americas” heading=”h2″ text=”Pinpoint the Brightest Hydrogen Developments in the Americas” color=”” align=”center” extra_class=””][/pt_heading][pt_cwc_divider element_name=”Divider” extra_class=””][/pt_cwc_divider][pt_text element_name=”Text” extra_class=””] LATAM countries are at different stages of hydrogen planning and projects. Chile has launched in the end of 2020 its Hydrogen Strategy, aiming to put this clean resource at the centre of the energy transition with Chile poised to become a large hydrogen exporter. Chile’s hydrogen production from renewable electricity could be among the cheapest in the world. Argentina has been a pioneer regionally and globally for producing hydrogen from renewable electricity. Uruguay and Paraguay are also ahead with pilot hydrogen projects planned or under operation, whilst Colombia’s energy producers and Government are analysing the role of hydrogen in the energy mix. Countries such as Brazil, Peru and Mexico show huge potential for both green and blue hydrogen production. [/pt_text][pt_cwc_button element_name=”Button” text=”CONTACT US TO DISCUSS YOUR PARTICIPATION” icon=”” link=”https://www.hydrogen-americas-summit.com/contact-us/” target=”_self” buttoncolor=”bgcolor4″ size=”btn-lg” extra_class=”” align=”center”][/pt_cwc_button][/pt_column][/pt_row][/pt_section][pt_section element_name=”Section” html_dom_id=”” width=”boxed” visibility=”visible” bg_color=”” bg_image=”” padding=”,,,” margin=”,,,” extra_class=”bgcolor6″][pt_row element_name=”Row”][pt_column width=”2/3″][pt_heading element_name=”H2: Align Your Hydrogen Business with Key Developments in Other Regions” heading=”h2″ text=”Align Your Hydrogen Business with Key Developments in Other Regions” color=”” align=”center” extra_class=””][/pt_heading][pt_cwc_divider element_name=”Divider” extra_class=””][/pt_cwc_divider][pt_text element_name=”Text” extra_class=””] Regional collaboration and cooperation and public-private partnerships will be paramount to move hydrogen projects in LATAM and take advantages of regional synergies, network development, infrastructure retrofitting, hydrogen supply value chain, among others. [/pt_text][pt_cwc_button element_name=”Button” text=”SECURE YOUR PARTICIPATION TODAY” icon=”” link=”https://gfen.eventsair.com/hydrogen-americas-2021/book-online” target=”_self” buttoncolor=”bgcolor4″ size=”btn-lg” extra_class=”” align=”center”][/pt_cwc_button][/pt_column][pt_column width=”1/3″][pt_hero_image element_name=”Investment” image=”360″ extra_class=””][/pt_hero_image][/pt_column][/pt_row][/pt_section][pt_section element_name=”Section” html_dom_id=”” width=”boxed” visibility=”visible” bg_color=”” bg_image=”” padding=”,,,” margin=”,,,” extra_class=”bgcolor7″][pt_row element_name=”Row”][pt_column width=”1/3″][pt_hero_image element_name=”Representatives” image=”340″ extra_class=””][/pt_hero_image][/pt_column][pt_column width=”2/3″][pt_heading element_name=”H2: Gathering Renowned Speakers from the Hydrogen Industry ” heading=”h2″ text=”Gathering Renowned Speakers from the Hydrogen Industry ” color=”” align=”center” extra_class=””][/pt_heading][pt_cwc_divider element_name=”Divider” extra_class=””][/pt_cwc_divider][pt_text element_name=”Text” extra_class=””] Meet with governments, energy producers, regulators, technology holders and end-users and buyers to gain a deep understanding of which projects and regulations are currently under development, the timelines and investment opportunities. [/pt_text][pt_cwc_button element_name=”Button” text=”VIEW THE FULL SPEAKER LINEUP” icon=”” link=”https://www.hydrogen-americas-summit.com/speakers/” target=”_self” buttoncolor=”bgcolor4″ size=”btn-lg” extra_class=”” align=”center”][/pt_cwc_button][/pt_column][/pt_row][/pt_section][pt_section element_name=”Section” html_dom_id=”” width=”boxed” visibility=”visible” bg_color=”” bg_image=”” padding=”,,,” margin=”,,,” extra_class=”bgcolor4″][pt_row element_name=”Row”][pt_column width=”2/3″][pt_heading element_name=”H2: Join the Rise of a Mega-Billion Hydrogen Industry” heading=”h2″ text=”Join the Rise of a Mega-Billion Hydrogen Industry” color=”” align=”center” extra_class=””][/pt_heading][pt_cwc_divider element_name=”Divider” extra_class=””][/pt_cwc_divider][pt_text element_name=”Text” extra_class=””] According to the IEA, Latin America has a central place in the future hydrogen economy, thanks to the sustained development of hydropower in the 20th century, renewables make up 55% of Latin America’s power generation, much higher than the global average of 35%. [/pt_text][pt_cwc_button element_name=”Button” text=”SECURE YOUR PLACE TODAY” icon=”” link=”https://gfen.eventsair.com/hydrogen-americas-2021/book-online/Site/Register” target=”_self” buttoncolor=”bgcolor1″ size=”btn-lg” extra_class=”” align=”center”][/pt_cwc_button][/pt_column][pt_column width=”1/3″][pt_hero_image element_name=”Representatives” image=”363″ extra_class=””][/pt_hero_image][/pt_column][/pt_row][/pt_section]

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