Pedro van Meurs - President & Founder - Van Meurs Energy

Pedro van Meurs

President & Founder
Van Meurs Energy

Pedro van Meurs received his Ph.D (cum laude) in Economic Geology from the State University of Utrecht, the Netherlands, in 1970.  Until 1973,  he was Chief of the  International Petroleum Developments Division of the Department of Energy, Mines and Resources of the Federal Government of Canada.

Since 1974 he has been President of his consulting firm Van Meurs Energy (website:  In this capacity he has carried out consulting assignments for a number of companies and more than 90 governments, providing advice on upstream petroleum fiscal systems and policy.  This includes energy transition issues. He is frequently expert witness in arbitration cases for companies and governments.  He teaches, every year petroleum fiscal courses in Rio de Janeiro, Mexico City, Amsterdam, Dubai and Singapore.  During the COVID pandemic these courses are available virtually. He is key author of “World Rating of Oil and Gas Terms”, 2012, the most comprehensive fiscal competitiveness rating existing today. This study is electronically updated and contains now 800 fiscal systems in 160 countries. He speaks Dutch, English, Spanish and French.

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